Our Services

Support your business with variety of services



AH&Co. provides a variety of tax services

We can support your business with variety of tax services including file registration, tax return preparation and filing with the relevant tax authority, discussions with the tax authority representatives and/or inspectors, represents the client in front of tax authority various committees, filing tax claims and appeals as well as conducting all discussions and fulfilling the tax authority requirements until closure of the relevant tax year.


AH&Co. provides a variety of legal services

Legal services cover legal cases related to tax claims, legal procedures for establishing corporates and sole proprietorships, contracts initiation and reviews, other legal matters the clients' business may need.



We cover all the phases of auction from the start till closure

The service covers preparation of the auctions Terms and Conditions, collection of the security deposits on behalf of the seller, arrange for the conference/auction hall as well as marketing and announcements signage, and running the auction session till closure. As auctions’ experts, we find proper buyers and work to the best interest of the seller.

RE Valuations

Evaluate your RE property according to its fair market value

We undertake revaluation program to evaluate your RE property according to its fair market value. Our program includes physical inspection of the interior and exterior of the property, study of recent sales of similar properties, and assessments of market changes


Liquidation and bankruptcy trustee services

Effective operations and creditors’ management

We ensure effective operations and creditors’ management